In the episode of the reality show aired on Thursday June 19, 2014, the former Star Circle Quest Contestant was tasked to deliver a letter to the 21-year-old model from her father Eric, who will also visit Vickie Rushton later on the episode.
Jason Abalos, who recently starred in “Maria Mercedes”, entered the living room when the housemates are told to be still for their weekly task. They were only allowed to commit three mistakes.
Vickie Rushton managed not to move at first but she committed an error when she hugged Jason Abalos back. Before the actor left, he hugged his girlfriend again and told her that he loves her.
In the Confession room, Jason Abalos thanked Kuya for allowing him to enter the house. He also broke down in tears over Vickie Rushton’s estrangement from her father.
Jason Abalos wishes Vickie Rusthon to be happy and to find peace in her heart so she may forget all her sadness that she had been carrying for years.
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